FLYER Program for Shared Reading and Wrinting Groups 2024
You can download our current flyer here. I’d be happy to send you copies – just send me an...
You can download our current flyer here. I’d be happy to send you copies – just send me an...
!!!!!!Please note the time change: Due to limited space, we’ll now be starting at 5 p.m. Thank you for your...
WERK statt ARBEIT with Cornelia Aßmann (CorA) offers you a space for relaxation and self-development through the use of creative...
We especially invite people who are or have been facing emotional and/or psychosocial challenges to attend our events. Everyone is...
We especially invite people who are or have been facing emotional and/or psychosocial challenges to attend our events. Everyone is...
RECASAS is an initiative that fosters resilience, empowerment, and self-determination through art, reading, and writing groups, especially for people who have gone through difficult or challenging experiences, and everyone seeking new perspectives. In the future, we hope to also offer cooking, theater, music groups as well.
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© 2024 ingrid e johnson